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Dangerous Deep State Undermines Trump

This post will serve as a warning and wake up call to many as we take a look behind the proverbial Wizard of Oz’s curtain where the shadow government resides as the dangerous deep state undermines Trump. We the 63 million who supported Trump had better come to realize that the Donald is in Danger and so is our country and all of civilization for that matter. With the recent upset of the century, the shadow government of this world has experienced its first real setback with the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States and we are now entering the real danger zone as the battle begins. The globalists now tremble as Trump and this movement threatens their totalitarianism world government. The next 90-180 days may very well determine the fate of this country. Will Trump survive? Will Trump prevail? Although optimism has returned, the battle now begins as President Donald J. Trump leads America’s second revolution. We must stand strong and united and increase our movement in numbers.

Dangerous Deep State Undermines Trump

As mentioned in my previous blogs as well as in my new book titled “Trump and the Resurrection of America“, President Trump has been infiltrated and is being undermined from within. From Priebus to Ryan and McCain and so many Republicans and most all Democrats. George Soros and the 49 page once “confidential” document titled “Democracy Matters a Strategic Plan for Action“,  by David Brock is in fact the blueprint of exactly how they will take Trump down and shatter this movement. But the real enemies are the deep state intelligence communities who are responsible for the recent turn of events concerning General Flynn with much more to follow. Watch for the next Wikileaks release from Julian Assange regarding the undermining of Trump labeling Priebus for one, as an enemy within. Yes Priebus, the Judas in the White House.

Public Speaking Tour Across America

Become familiar with the real news. Former CIA case officer Robert David Steele has put his life on the line in this explosive most recent interview which can be viewed here. We must not be side tracked by fake news and useless debates with the left.

I am presently touring America on a book promotion public speaking tour providing critical insights and tools. A timely, riveting and powerful speech; awakening, inspiring and motivating positive action across America. This movement must be well informed, well connected and prepared. Learn more about the tour by clicking here. Make no mistake about it – the shadow government of this world and all of its front groups and players including the media are in full gear to take Trump down and removed. The next 3 to 6 months are most critical as the American Spring is being orchestrated as we speak.

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