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Global Governance By Design

Global Governance By Design

“Surviving Global Governance” is a book that I co-authored with Dr. Richard Davis and Kirk Elliott PhD in 2013. The following segment was written by my good friend Dr. Davis. If you would like a free digital copy of this book contact me here. Much has changed in the past three years and solutions to this escalating crisis have taken new directions and are in the works. A brief biography of Dr. Davis can be found at the end of this blog post.

“There was a movie out a number of years ago titled “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World,” and how true that is today. Most people don’t realize or are at least consciously willing to accept is that it’s being run that way on purpose. The economic, political, and social upheaval occurring in the world is not an accident or coincidence. It is being done by design.

Think about it. Today we have the ability with one weeks’ worth of the machinery and financial resources for war that we are waging on a global basis against this illusionary entity we call terrorism to end hunger, poverty, and just about every infectious disease. In fact, every year we are faced with increasing pandemics unlike ever before, which is a significant problem.

We have the communications technology to educate every man, woman, and child on earth, which would promote literacy and wipe out ignorance. But, we are witnessing a global crisis of illiteracy of unprecedented proportions. Today we have the ability to share resources and end disputes forever and prevent wars before they start, but it seems like the opposite is happening. Political, geopolitical, and social conflicts just seem to be escalating. We live in a world capable of incredible abundance. With modern technology we could harvest the oceans, land, and sky, but all we are told about is scarcity. When running the world the way that we do since recorded time, we have been kept confused and in a constant state of fear. The effect is really to keep us apart from one another.

We can’t identify the real problems, and therefore we are unable to find suitable and sustainable solutions. In other words, we are unable to mount an effective defense. One might ask, “A defense against what?” A better question to ask may be, “A defense not only against what, but against who?” I would like to suggest that the progenitor against mankind’s greatest ills that plague us today is something called psychopathy in medicine. Everyone has heard of the Geoffrey Dalmers of this world and other psychopaths, and that is the theme of this segment of this chapter.

What has happened is that we are led globally by a group of psychopathic and sociopathic leaders that have risen to the positions of incredible power. This has happened slowly. Since the dawn of man we have organized ourselves into large pyramidal organizations and institutions headed by these very charismatic leaders.

Benevolent leaders are extremely rare. Most commonly, mankind’s leaders have been brutal despots. These despots have many common traits, and below we’ll investigate what those traits are because it is extremely important to be able to recognize a psychopath.” To be continued…

Richard Davis, M.D, Activist for Humanity

Dr. Richard Davis is currently the Chairman, President and CEO of OgenX Therapeutics, a startup biotech company. He is a physician, inventor and successful serial entrepreneur who has authored over 400 patents and trademarks worldwide and has extensive experience with start-up companies. In 2006, he founded and served as President and CEO of EquinOx Pharmaceuticals Corporation – a pharmaceutical development company. In 2002, Dr. Davis licensed a pharmaceutical agent (SilvaFoam SSD) that he had invented to Dr. Reddy’s Labs and oversaw all of its pre- clinical and pre-IND development. In 1996, Dr. Davis co-founded OccuLogix Corporation and served as its Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer until its acquisition by TLC Vision in 2003, and remained its Chief Science Officer through its IPO (OCCX: NASDAQ) in 2004. In 1994, he founded UroQuest Medical Corporation, a marketer of urology, ENT, and airway management technologies, where he served as UroQuest’s first President and Chief Executive Officer until its 1996 IPO (UROQ: NASDAQ), and remained its Chairman and Chief Science Officer until its sale to Chemfab Corporation (CMB, NYSE) in 1999. In 1989, he founded Code Blue Medical Corporation, a marketer of Emergency Medicine products, and served as its President and Chief Executive Officer until its sale to Ballard Medical Products (BMP, NYSE) in 1992. Dr. Davis has held an active medical license in Florida since 1982 and practiced Emergency Medicine in Tampa Bay area trauma centers from 1983-1993.

In 1977 Dr. Davis graduated magna cum laude with a BSc. in Chemistry from Old Dominion University. In 1981, he received his M.D. with honors from the Medical College of Virginia. From 1982-1986 he served as a Naval Flight Surgeon (backup flight surgeon for the Blue Angels) and Hyperbaric Officer (and SEAL Team physician) while an Officer in the United States Navy where he received two meritorious citations from the Chief of Naval Operations for his contributions to the Medical Department of the Navy.

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