Commentary and Analysis by John Michael Chambers
Impeachment you say? Trump the only President to be impeached by the House. Exonerated by the Senate and reelected by a landslide. IGII – FISA – EPSTEIN – ASSANGE – DURHAM – NSA DATA COLLECTION – Get ready my friends we have a front row seat for the show of a lifetime!
The Storm Is Upon Us
The only reason for this unconstitutional coup d’ etat hoax is to try to prevent the exposing of their crimes, (including pedophilia), their treasonous acts and a desperate attempt to seize control of the deep states global agenda as they see it slipping away. They are panicking. “What storm Mr. President – You’ll find out“. Oh yeah, the storm in that video clip that the President referred to way back then, is indeed upon us. Trust the plan. Yes, there is one and it is unfolding exactly as it should.
Stay the Course
In my opinion somewhere down the line, the House impeachment scar will be removed from the record as it will have been proven to be an illegitimate process thus no standing House impeachment. President Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had. The world will be thankful. I thank you Mr. President, and I thank God.
With the recent upset of the century, the shadow government of this world has experienced its first real setback with the election (and soon to be re-election), of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. The deep state globalists now tremble as Trump and this movement threaten their totalitarianism world government. Although optimism has returned, the battle now begins as President Donald J. Trump leads America’s second revolution.
“We must not surrender to the false song of globalism. So, I am asking everyone to join this incredible movement. I am asking you to dream big and bold and daring things for your family and for your country. I am asking you to believe in yourself again and I am asking you to believe in America.” – Donald J. Trump
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Clarion Call
This battle will rage on for the rest of our lives. Pray for our President and his family. No Trump-no hope. What we do right here, right now is for posterity. So when your children and grandchildren ask you “What were you doing when the global governance was being thrust down the throat of America and the world, what will your answer be? Freedom, it’s up to U.S.
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