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Martial Law Preparedness And Forecast

Some people believe that the President must get approval from congress to invoke martial law. This is not true and is covered in addition to other critically important information in the links provided below. Martial law preparedness and forecast is most important as the likelihood of martial law is increasing and may be somewhat imminent. People need to understand martial law and what one can do as well as what may occur under martial law. The content in the next section below is provided by Richard Davis, MD who is the co-author of the book Surviving Global Governance. A summary of Dr. Davis’s CV is provided in this book.

Martial Law Preparedness And Forecast

There is no provision in the Constitution for Martial Law. The reason is simple, under Martial Law the Constitution is suspended, as is all civil authority and civil law. Thus Martial Law cuts both ways. Once instituted twenty million well-trained, ex military patriots armed to the teeth will either become single “militias of one” or band together in small highly focused and yet loosely coordinated units of insurgency to defeat the Globalists in 5 stages. First stage is take out the existing members of law enforcement either: a) by killing them outright in firefights at checkpoints or during SWAT no-knock raids presumably for gun confiscation, or b) by recruiting them to join the “good guys”. Second stage take out the UN troops and foreign Mercs – no problem they are outnumbered 50 to one. Stage 3 – Have US troops stand down in mass. They will join the patriots because they will refuse to kill grandma next door. Stage 4 – arrest every politician and judge and high level bureaucrat in the country and put them on trial in a truth and reconciliation process. Stage 5 – reboot the Constitution and restore order.

What To Do

Preparedness skills are most important at this time. Food and water reserves, legal possession of guns and ammunition for safety and protection. This is a time to surround yourselves with like minded individuals who understand the times in which we live. Those of faith, pray. Have a Plan B. If one is able, this is a time to perhaps not be in large cities and to seek rural areas or mountainous states. Study all of the links below and the links within the links. I hope and pray this all does not come to be but I think there is a high probability it will and if so perhaps imminent or before November 2016.

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