Currency wars continue. A thrust towards a cashless society is emerging. The U.S. dollar in due time will lose its worlds reserve currency status. The Chinese RMB has been accepted by the IMF as a global reserve currency with SDR backing privilages. Since we are in the midst of the great global financial reset which includes the march towards an eventual one world currency then the injected digital chip system, I will cover in a series of new posts, the topic of money beginning from a historical perspective taking us into the present situation into what the future has in store in this new world that is emerging. You see the madmen have their sights on money, your money. So I will begin here with a simple definition and commentary about money itself and then in future posts address what is really going on behind the scenes and how this will impact everyone everywhere.
So what is money? Money is an idea backed by confidence, which is used as a means of exchange, rather than say barter. Today we live in a debt based monetary system. At the time of this writing, the U.S. Federal debt alone is at $19 Trillion and with the recent budget approval will escalate to $21 Trillion very soon and that is just the Federal Debt, we covered derivatives in another post. Some say that money is the root of all evil; I disagree with this. There was a period of time many a moon ago where money did not exist, yet there was plenty of evil around. My best guess (I could be wrong), is that people who misuse life’s energy are the root of all evil, not money. Money is not evil and abundance is wonderful; there are evil people.
In this world it seems we have assigned power to money. It’s a pretty big agreement since everyone seems to be trying to acquire the stuff. So to that end, money is power in the sense that it is the means by which one can acquire tangible items, own things, have things, influence people and agendas, as well as affording perhaps better healthcare, better food, some things luxury, and all things essential to survival. Money allows one to participate in many things as well as to travel. The person with money can also take advantage of various opportunities to explore many new aspects and experiences in life than a person without money. Having said all that, money is still not the measure of the man (woman).
Money can’t buy contentment or happiness or love, but it can ease the experience of life and living if handled properly. There are those who attack the wealthy just because they are wealthy as though having a lot of money is a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with acquiring great wealth. It’s what you do with this great wealth that helps determine the character of the person. Some people, as we know, become very greedy and misuse the power that comes with having lots of money, and this can be seen in many ways. Others put that money to good use, such as a quality home, education for children and young adults, trust accounts for posterity, and many are philanthropic or charitable. I devoted two chapters in my book “Misconceptions and Course Corrections” towards the topic of money. One chapter covers an important historical perspective and touches on where we are heading if the the agenda set in motion by the globalists continues. The other chapter is titled “How to Make Money and be Happy doing it“.