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New World Order America Shall Be Free

This song is about the ruling elites long standing goal and agenda for a new world order. I wrote the music to this song in 1986 in New Jersey and the lyrics in 1999 in Colorado with some changes to both the music and the lyrics in 2001. Vocals performed by Todd Plant. I later went on to produce and record the song in Florida. Some years after that I produced this video from Thailand in July 2015 and although written many years ago perhaps like the old television commercial for Panasonic said, this song was “slightly ahead of it’s time”. I hope it motivates and inspires you in a positive way.  Watch and share this video. Other videos of songs I have written can be found here.

New World Order (America Shall Be Free)

Over the years, sneaking your way ‘cross our borders. Spreading lies before God’s eyes calling yourselves the new world order. Time is not your friend, for you it is the end. A secret voice calls out across the wind… “America forever shall be free”

One currency, no privacy one military all leads to slaughter. Controlling lands at your command one power, your new world order. Time is not your friend, for you it is the end. A secret voice calls out across the wind “America forever shall be free”.

All shall be awakened to the revelation now at hand, that your new world order shall not pass. Oh it shall not pass for your day is done. Now the sun has set on your last stand.

How many times in history you silenced the voice of freedom. But angel voices new and bright will bot be overcome. Time is not your friend, for you it is the end. A secret voice calls out across the wind “America forever shall be free”. “America forever shall be free”.

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