Black panties? Uh hum, I mean Black Panthers? Dominatrixes? Cop haters? Okay so here we go back to the racial riot issues. We have the recent racially divisive stunt by Beyonce along with her attack against police. So we have battles in the streets, battles in the courts, battles in the media, and battles in day-to-day society and all across the social media. Then comes Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan to fuel the fire and out comes the media machine consuming America and there you have it, the dividing of the races once again with many other side benefits for the man behind the curtain’s true agenda. Meanwhile the real battle wages war against all people as the New World Order is being ushered in and of course the mainstream media is devoid of such talking points. This man has an important message for us all, particularly the black community.
What could and should the media do to cover these racially charged events? Well for one, journalists should be journalists and report the facts like JFK said in the speech to the American Press I referred to back in another essay, as this is their obligation to the American people. And as for the commentators in the news? How about calming the tension rather than sounding off on each side of the issue to see who can scream the loudest and perhaps get the best ratings? Shame on the media.
We have so much wisdom from Dr. King, RFK, and Gandhi (Black, White, Hindu) and others on this very specific issue about racism, civil rights, and peaceful protests. Why not bring this to the surface as an opportunity to calm the tensions and to educate and raise the country towards unity? What a great opportunity to do so. I am sure there are many both black and white opinion leaders that would line up to gain that air time to help humanity in a crisis. I am sure MLK’s family members would be more than happy to be in front of the American people to help rather than enflame. But we know the reason why this rarely occurs and that is the man behind the curtain. And remember, nothing happens by accident here; there is an agenda and you and I, we are the pawns in the game and we pay the price.
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