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The Dark Winter of the Great Reset

Published By: James Grundvig

As we enter the last month of the year, the geopolitical tectonic plates continue to shift and roll, transforming the world as we once know it. The struggle for freedom to express its voice amid the din of propaganda or share its ideas under blanket censorship becomes increasingly difficult. Now, with the U.S. Presidential Election corrupted and thrown into doubt, who can the people trust? What institutions can they believe in?

In 2020, the Architects of the Plandemic plunged societies from one crisis to another, with the COVID-19 outbreak enabling them to launch Phase One of their plan: The demolition of global economies—the gateway to one world governance. The lockdowns wiped out the middle class with razor efficiency, shuttering businesses, and, more strategically, eliminating competitors on behalf of the big corporate gatekeepers.

The campaign carried out under the cover of “saving lives,” the temporary shelter-in-place orders, at first, launched the global coup on freedom followed by the rollout of the Great Reset agenda from its conspiracy shadow.

If the globalists’ plan for the 9/11 attacks were to unite people, then they created COVID-19 as a wedge to divide the masses.


The World Economic Forum’s founder Klaus Schwab, co-creator of the Great Reset plan—renamed the United Nations’ stigmatized Agenda 21/2030 programs—has taken the lead of the alliance of the UN, International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and other key partners. They include nations in Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, among others.

In 2015, the alliance countries pledged their support of and sovereignty to the UN’s one world governance, behind the mask of the climate change agenda. By doing so, they discarded the safeguards of their citizens and oaths to their charters and constitutions.

Last May, 191 member nations pledged billions of dollars to support the global fight against COVID-19. While diverting billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money to the new order, they imposed curfews and lockdowns, while financing surveillance of people’s behavior, state of mind, and online anti-vaccine rhetoric. All of the national leaders pledged on camera reading from the same script.

All except the United States, which under President Trump promised the sovereignty of the United States, with firm borders, clear paths to citizenship, and no room for socialism. His tact to launch Operation Warp Speed, in order to procure COVID vaccines in record time for a coronavirus vaccine that had failed four times in the past, never reaching human trials, confounded many of his supporters.

The counterintuitive strategy, however, put vaccine safety and development on center stage. The clarion call aroused scores of scientists and medical doctors to question the data and validity of the vaccine trials, and whether immunizations are needed today amid a crumbling COVID second wave narrative. Under close scrutiny, “cases” from the misleading PCR tests and less “excess” deaths compared to 2019 are puncturing all pretenses of a raging pandemic.

As a result of Operation Warp Speed, public sentiment in obediently taking vaccines has cratered. In the 60 Minutes episode on the vaccine ‘Manhattan Project,’ in which registered nurse, Judith Persichilli, the Commissioner of New Jersey Department of Health, admitted a statewide survey that produced 40 percent of the doctors and 60 percent of the nurses and medical staff won’t take the COVID-19 vaccine when made available. The damage of vaccines as a cure-all has been done.

The coup to remove President Trump from office began on January 15, 2020. That fateful Wednesday, three events emerged to deprive the president of victory and saddle him in a legal battle, diverting his administration’s focus on the impending pandemic coming to America.

On the 15th, President Trump signed Phase One of the China trade deal. In no coincidence, the first case of COVID in the United States flew from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the outbreak, and landed in Seattle. That same day, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, along with other Democrats, walked the Impeachment papers over to the White House to serve President Trump and gum up his time and energy defending himself and not the country from the novel virus. That cruel act neutered the opportunity to celebrate the economic victory of the China trade deal with the American people.

None of these acts were an accident of timing. Planned ahead in a stealth act of war.

In the military, they call such a three-prong attack a SIOP: Single Integrated Operational Plan. This type of foreign and domestic coordinated attack would be relaunched with the color revolution riots over the summer, and again in October leading up to the U.S. Presidential Election.

With the full onslaught of mainstream media pushing a Biden victory and Big Tech “fact checkers” labeling any claims to the contrary as “false,” the SIOP planners came to believe that U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden won the election, by any means necessary. In doing so, they emboldened the World Economic Forum and its allies to promote the Great Reset as a forgone conclusion that will transform societies and lead to transhumanism via the DNA-altering vaccines and synthetic foods to come in 2021.

Confident of the SIOP victory, the World Health Organization has begun to speak more openly and authoritatively, unconcerned by any backlash about its global plans.

Dr. Michael Ryan, Director of Global Alert and Response at the WHO, urged all nations to probe and surveil “all forms of gatherings that lead to people congregating are moving en masse and how they are going to de-risk those processes.”

In other words, the WHO has signaled to its member nations and blue cities and states in America to crack down hard in December through the start of a dark winter, the Christmas holiday, and deep into the New Year. The second round of lockdowns in Europe, however, have started to backfire. Recently, Protesters in Paris set fire to the central bank of France. In London, mass crowds clashed with police leading to 150 arrests while dividing political parties in Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s post-lockdown tier system of government. In Germany, the protests have grown more vocal and radicalized as more restrictions were placed on people and businesses.

The second hard lockdown in Canada have produced two trends that will likely spread to other Western nations. The first, a depressed 90-year-old woman, trapped in her apartment alone, asked to be euthanized and Canadian authorities obliged by doing the deed. Even more insidious, knowing the lockdowns will ruin businesses, the Canadian government ruled that for “bridge” loans to keep companies afloat, they demand equity stakes in the entities. Not a loan and investment. And not an investment a theft knowing that future waves of lockdowns would kill those businesses. The transfer of asset would go to the IMF, in a new dark model of financial engineering.

In Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, and United Kingdom the Great Reset plan all along was to strip people and businesses of their assets, relieve them of their debt, and empower the IMF to reclaim the homes and properties. The final phase of the plan would be to move the downtrodden people into empty office and apartment buildings in cities across the country, with many of those gleaming structures being built in the last decade.

Beyond launching the Great Reset, the unleashing of COVID-19 Plandemic in 2020 served another purpose: To cover up the financial crimes of the IMF, World Bank, and central bank systems, while insulating the criminals of the parasitic, global, fiat banking system that have burden people, businesses, and nations with unsurmountable debt.

Exceptional at detonating markets every five to ten years, the global banking system has stolen trillions of dollars from people through inflation, decades-old short-selling scheme, and other mass wealth transfers offshore, with intellectual property theft given rise to

Communist China.

Today, the one world alliance is on the cusp of a global coup. A coup that will come down the outcome of the United States Election.

Yet, amid the darkness, there is light.

Seeing through the COVID lies and masking of the financial crimes, bankrupting heavily in debt nations, more scientists, doctors, and professionals have had enough and began to risk their livelihoods and reputations by speaking out against the false narratives. In the year-long awakening of the general public, they understood COVID cases are a sham. The misused PCR tests are neither clinical nor diagnostic. In a Portuguese court, a judge ruled the PCR tests are “unreliable” and “unlawful.”

Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon took it a step further, stating, “The pandemic ended back in April. There’s no need for a vaccine.”

Today, the world is suffering from is a “testing epidemic.” Other long-planned cons by the Architects included the people’s submission to masks, mandatory social distancing, while using the COVID "umbrella" term to inflate the number of infections and spread of the virus, as well as deploy the press and social media platforms to pump fear daily.

You see, the sleight of hand testing is an illusion. The PCR tests don’t identify the specific virus: SARS-CoV-2. No, the tests cloud the results of all nanoscopic RNA fragments that come from seasonal flu, SARS-CoV-2, if present, other coronaviruses, 5G/EMF cell breakage, cancer and chemo therapy cell excretion, and more. They don’t tell viral loads or whether anyone is sick from the virus. By increasing the amplification cycles of the PCR tests, they can guarantee 100 percent false positives, allowing them to toggle the “case” numbers up or down against public sentiment

The outbreak has been a con—a charade to usher in the Great Reset, with all its population reductionist goals, while cover up their century-old financial crimes and ignition of wars and regime change.

Like the COVID-19 narrative that is collapsing, the “no fraud” U.S. Election narrative is imploding as well. It is being exposed everyday under the avalanche of evidence spilling forth, from foreign servers flipping votes and the “dead” voting, to truckloads of Biden ballots being shipped across state lines after the election ended and the Dominion Voting Systems company being sold to China one month before the election.

With the COVID and election narratives collapsing, the false ideals and dark models of the Great Reset will collapse next.

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