This May Be The Last Time You Will See Me For A While
This article is a MUST READ and a MUST SHARE. Take 5 minutes. Let’s begin….
President Trump delivers remarks at Whirlpool manufacturing plant in Clyde, Ohio. What is very concerning is the statement he made saying that he had a lot of enemies out there and that “This may be the last time you will see me for a while”. Now for pure speculation, let’s break this down here just a bit and try to decipher exactly what is meant by this statement.

What exactly is the president trying to tell us here? We know one thing for sure and that is a statement like that was planned and not just some random Trump comment. One can only speculate. So let’s begin. “Not see me for a while?” Not campaigning back in Ohio again? Cyber attacks on communications? Censorship? Black out? Code talk for something else? Or is the President going to spend time on Air Force One and or other secured protective places? Are dangerous major counter moves by us, the good guys taking place right now potentially signalling concerns for the Presidents’ safety in retaliation? Please do keep reading.
The deep state and shadow government of this world are deploying all assets against we the people and to date, and as disruptive as this Covid 19 and all that has followed has been, they have failed to stop the momentum of the support for President Trump, in fact it increases daily. They have failed to bring down the economy as well, and I will cover how and why and what is coming with regards to that subject in another article soon. To date, and over the past four plus years, all deployments against us, to that end have indeed failed. So what’s left? Kill Trump, (and there have been many, many plots thwarted and failed attempts including the thugs scaling the wall at Mar-a -Lago with AK 47’s as of recent). Could this be why President Trump said what he said in Ohio? Remember they are after us, President Trump is their obstacle. They are running out of options and the clock is rapidly ticking.

A Closer Look
They have shut down the world causing extraordinary hardship for billions of people and are responsible for the starvation and loss of perhaps millions of lives worldwide from this Covid 19 PLANDEMIC.
Talk about election theft attempts? They cannot have President Trump re-elected. They know they have no one who can beat him. In fact, they know if we had free and fair elections that Trump would win in a historical electoral college and popular vote landslide, (as he did in 2016 if you eliminated all the other fraud that took place then along with the modem installed to fractionalize the vote count, stealing votes electronically, the secret vote count). And again, with all assets being deployed now as it is indeed the eleventh hour with 86 days to go, they have accelerated the UN’s Agenda 2030 along with unleashing Obama’s civilian army that he so proudly told us over ten years ago that he would amass, that is he, Soros and Clinton.
Yes of course the other reasons they have unleashed the PLANDEMIC and continue to deploy all assets like ANTIFA, BLM, de funding and disbanding the police, tearing statues down and the like, is the acceleration of Agenda 2030. People control. Population control. Forced toxic tracking devised vaccinations then reduction of earths population from 7.2 billion down to about 600,000 million. Think I am crazy? Read my book or go look it up. Time is short.
And why? What is the problem with losing perhaps one more election? What’s the big deal? Why all assets deployed? That’s an easy one to answer. It’s called the de-class. They are being exposed. They are panicking like crazed mad dogs because Trump has all the goods on everyone. He has caught the swamp. Crimes against humanity, felonies, treason and the like. The swamp runs very, very, deep and they must put a stop to Trump and NOW because their fate is prison, GITMO and or death and they know it and that is why.
Now, unless you are following my work and the work of many others including intel sources and Q or QANON, all you have is what FOX NEWS and the left wing MSM tells you. If these are your sole sources, you are not only frozen with fear, buying the lies and acquiescing and willingly submitting to the destruction of your freedom, your constitutional rights and civil liberties along with your health and ability to thrive and prosper, (among many, many other things), you will to some extent become part of the problem. We are at war. An intelligence battle. Information warfare. And it’s growing increasingly more dangerous here in America by the hour. This is America’s second revolution. Get with the program.

What Winning Looks Like
Sure there are anarchists, thugs, ANTIFA, BLM, (BHO’s army), wreaking chaos and havoc in America. Sure the deep state swamp creatures and communists are everywhere. But who is on the offense? We are. Who is on the defense? They are. The hunters have become the hunted and the hunted will soon be captured. This is what an intelligence battle and information warfare looks like. It’s not fun. No one said this would be easy and it’s far from over. But the pendulum has shifted and we are winning. Make no mistake about this. You see, the de class is underway. We are now at steps 6-12 as forecast by me back on June 13, 2018 in the “Scale of Discovery and Action”. They are panicking and will stop at nothing. In fact Q has told us to expect attempted and probable cyber attacks and black outs in November 2020. Although we are now at the stage where I believe military and armed forces intervention may be a forgone conclusion, the battle is being fought in the DOJ and in the halls of congress. Take note. As we narrow in on them, their attacks escalate. Consider this.
Take Note
Joihn Roberts has been to Epstein Island. Could this be Chief Justice John Roberts? If so, that would explain why he does what he does at the bench and even Pence (of all people), is calling him out on his voting pattern. Time will tell. Then there is BIG PHARMA now under a microscope for overcharging and their deeply embedded games with Fauci the Fraud, the CDC, the WHO, the NIH, Gates and so many others. Watch this eight minute special report, “Architects of the Plandemic”. Then you will know. Censorship? Sure they are running us hard on this but in the end they will lose this one too. The recent hearings are a good indication of what is to come after the 2020 election finally settles down.
And the economy? Well the Global Financial Reset is underway and I will write a dedicated follow up to this article that received well over 60,000 views, “We Did It, Trump Ends the Fed as We Know It”. Even with the torpedo PLANDEMIC, the markets are relatively in tact and on its’ way back up? Why? Because Trump does have the magic wand and again, I will break this down perhaps next week in detail. Stay tuned.
Then there are Lyndsey Graham’s Senate Judiciary hearings with subpoenas out for Comey, Strzok, Page, Mueller, McCabe, Clapper and others. We already have exposed Rosenstein and Yates recently stating under oath that Comey went rouge. They are ratting each other out and looking for deals to be cut.
Then there is the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell and the recent release of not only the flight logs but the e-mail exchanges between she and Epstein himself. Damning evidence incriminating Bill Clinton and a long list of others of which I have covered on my daily live alternative real news broadcast, “Making Sense of the Madness“. Subscribe for free and follow us daily.
The border wall being erected along with all of the moves made to date on the GFR (Global Financial reset), the source of funding is being cut off. The tunnels are being discovered and child sex trafficking is now not only being exposed but under attack. The President just allocated 35 million to house and help such victims. Remember, Pedophilia is the Achilles Heel of the Deep State. Recent raids were made in the US at a Bank with ties to the Ukraine and Burisma. Biden is part of an on going criminal investigation in the Ukraine. Biden is malfunctioning. Hey, where’s Hunter? Meanwhile, Julian Assange, (who like Trump also has all the goods), is being called upon now to testify via the US courts in regards to the Seth Rich murder and recent case opened up by Seth Rich’s parents of which we also covered on our show last week.
General Flynn case has been ordered by the DOJ to be be null and void however bought and paid for, corrupt and controlled by BHO judge Sullivan has derailed the process. The law is on Flynn’s side, Flynn will ultimately win. Why is this being delayed? Because Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried. The Flynn case with the fraudulent abuse on the FISA courts and process and all that relates to the spying on candidate and President Trump alone, will bring down the house. Treason at the highest levels straight on up to Barack Hussein Obama.
Then we have the Durham Report. This is more than a report. It is a criminal investigation that will bring them all down. Indictments and arrests are imminent with many sources indicating as early as the end of the summer of 2020 or as late as the end of the fall of 2020. It’s coming folks. Why do I say this? Because this is for all the marbles. It’s either us or them. Failure is not an option and the ultimate victory is ours.
Turn off the FAKE NEWS! Follow my daily broadcast And for a list of alternative places for news, visit this site under the section, “Story Behind The Story”. Garbage in- garbage out. It’s time to get with the program.
Refuse to be fearful. Surround yourself with like-minded people who do truly understand the times in which we live and then expand those circles. Expose lies. Reveal truths and share them far and wide. Don’t get prepared, be prepared. Food, water, survival type planning, including personal protection as the police for now are being de funded and disbanded. Your financial assets are close to their bulls eye. Buy gold, buy silver, buy now. Learn more. Vote the RINOS out. Vote Trump. No Trump no hope. Pray for our President and for his family. Pray for America. And know this. We are on God’s side and God always wins, so long as we do our part.
The Armor of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Have faith in Humanity. Have faith in Yourself. Have faith in God. The Great Awakening. Q.

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