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Warp Speed vs. The Great Reset

Writer: infoinfo

Updated: Nov 13, 2020

Hello friends and fellow patriots, this is John Michael Chambers. The following is an exclusive special report which will premiere on “Making Sense of the Madness” daily broadcast. This is part of an ongoing series of reports researched and submitted by independent investigative journalists and contributors. What you are about to view, may be considered to be a disruptive uncomfortable truth. Information that is not typically addressed in the main stream media but we consider the information to be not only timely, but of great importance. The following is a transcript of the special report featured on Making Sens of The Madness and was written and submitted by investigative journalist, James Grundvivg. Welcome to your life. Welcome to the great awakening. Be sure to share this far and wide.

Warp Speed vs. The Great Reset

The source of the 2020 coronavirus can be found in the human genetic code, animating from the elites’ CRISPR snips of greed, control, and tyranny inserted into their DNA. At first, they talked about “flattening the curve” to reopen economies. Then, Bill Gates warned that only a vaccine would return society to normal. By September, the United Nations’ secretary-general and the World Health Organization’s Director Tedros held press conferences, stating the world “can’t go back to the way things were” since it needs to “limit global warning and ensure sustainable post-pandemic recovery plans. ”And yet, seven months into the global outbreak in the West, the Architects of the Plandemic continue to push fear on thousands of new daily cases and propagandize Lockdown 2.0. To the public at large, none of the media blitz or government admonishments make any sense. There is no data to support a second wave of the coronavirus; no trend for governments to impose hard, more draconian lockdowns as a result of “hot spots.”

With COVID deaths and hospitalizations flatlining for months, the testing kits are the only magic trick they have left. The PCR tests amplify low viral or non-existent loads, whether from a coronavirus or flu strain. Thus, second attempts at lockdowns are based on the hyperinflation of bogus numbers—not due to an increase in the virus spreading. Those in power still seek to close down the world by deploying the ruse of a testing epidemic. It’s not just the United States, parts of Europe have lost their minds over the COVID Hoax. In Birmingham, England, the city council directed the army to go door-to-door and force residents to comply in taking the faulty tests. Home to the 19th century eugenics pioneer Francis Galton, Birmingham intends to “swab” every resident, not only to “cook” the testing data, but also to collect people’s DNA. At the end of September, mass protests in London produced the public arrests of German Doctors Heiko Schoning and Sucharit Bhakdi. They were never charged. The authorities confiscated their laptops, smartphones, and Bhakdi’s book, Coronavirus False Alarm, instead. Once freed from jail, Dr. Schoning stated they had been arrested for telling the truth about the COVID lies and that the World Bank ginned up the pandemic to hide its own corruption from the 2008 financial crash.

In New York State, Governor Cuomo came out challenging the U.S. federal government’s authority on reviewing and approving COVID-19 vaccines from HHS’ Operation Warp Speed. Suffering from the effects of “absolute power” during the national epidemic, Cuomo doesn’t trust the CDC and FDA-approved vaccines. No, he will rely on Merck and pharma consultant McKinsey & Company to provide advice. Promising to buy two doses of a future unnamed COVID vaccine for each New Yorker will cost the near-bankrupt state hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire 40 million doses on its own. Earlier in the year, Governor Cuomo and his pharma advisors were responsible for the thousands of nursing home deaths of the elderly across the state. Are the people of New York going to trust industry over science on COVID vaccines?

On the other end of the political spectrum, President Trump continues to cheer on Operation Warp Speed. That despite the crowd, at a recent Trump rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, chanting: “No vaccines… No vaccines… No vaccines…”Over the summer, pharma-controlled media publicized the narrative of Operation Warp Speed, aiming to deliver four to five COVID vaccines by year end. While President Trump jumped on the pro-vaccine bandwagon, cheering on the fight against the “invisible enemy,” UN General-Secretary Antonio Guterres championed defeating the “common enemy.” One enemy is invisible—the virus. The other enemy is common—global warming. When one dissects what Guterres’ meant, the socialist wasn’t focused on the deadly virus, but climate change. Why, when, and how did the shift in narrative happen?

The Great Reset

Looking beneath the surface on the planning for the pandemic, one can see another parallel Warp Speed project shadow the true Operation Warp Speed. The latter Warp Speed, provided unlimited resources to combat the coronavirus outbreak. The shadow Warp Speed aims to reset the world in a globalist, top-down socialist agenda. At the core of the shadow project sits on the Davos throne the World Economic Forum, with its partners in the UN, the WHO, and the Gates Foundation spearheading the rapid change through the virus-vaccine hoax. They acknowledge the COVID-19 pandemic represented a “narrow window of opportunity” to impose their vision over humanity. To complete the transformation, the globalists need another six more months of hard lockdowns. Why? That is the time they calculated they need to break the backs of small to medium size businesses, make hundreds of millions homeless and unemployed, while control every aspect of their lives afterwards. Called The Great Reset, all critical data will flow from industries and technology gatekeepers back to the Global New Order and its big data platform. That will empower the top-level masters to surveil all people, to control all resources, and to influence the fate of all individuals, families, and businesses.

Under Trump, Operation Warp Speed has exposed vaccine risks and the invasive, genetically-altering technology. It has revealed COVID vaccine adverse events, including temporary polio-like paralysis and neurological symptoms aimed at stripping empathy and the human soul from the mind. Instead of “anti-vaxxers” crying foul, for the first time in memory, doctors and scientists began to question and challenge the legitimacy of vaccine making at “warp speed.” The president revealed medical fault lines, while weaponized fast-track vaccine making to attack his political opponents as “anti-vaxxed.” Suddenly, they are calling out for HHS and the FDA to tap the brakes on the vaccine race. But the true race was always about Operation Warp Speed versus The Great Reset. That sprint started when the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic emergency on March 11. Two days later on Friday the 13th, President Trump wrote an executive order declaring a national emergency.

The emergency declaration gave the president special powers. But it infused the Dept. of Health & Human Services extraordinary powers to super fast-track a coronavirus vaccine. The executive order also automatically triggered a cascade of events, activating the 2004 BioShield Act, among other laws, that delivered to the Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization. The FDA is the ultimate authority on approving a safe and effective COVID vaccine—not renegade New York Governor Cuomo.

HHS Warp Speed

What many fear in the coming second lockdowns is that the real motives are all tied to the November 3rd U.S. Presidential Election, and not protecting the public from a runaway virus. While President Trump fights many of the Blue States over unconstitutional and illegal lockdowns, other states such as South Dakota, which never shutdown, and Florida’s Governor DeSantis just lifted all restrictions. This vaccine/reset tug-of-war is more than political. It represents the global fight between freedom and tyranny. And while many worry about President Trump pushing the pro- vaccine agenda on COVID, the good news is there will be no such vaccine ready at scale until next year, or well after the election.


Operation Warp Speed is exposing The Great Reset’s virus as a smokescreen, and its climate change agenda as a Trojan horse ready to usher in the New World Order. There is far more at stake than the geopolitical balance of the world. At risk for humans around the world is losing their way of life, their survival and well-being. With blinders off, people will awaken and see the globalists’ real goal for what it is: To instill a police state and then crash economies for full totalitarian control. The way out of the 2020 disaster is the same way President Trump led United States into the pandemic. Post-election, Trump can write a new executive order declaring the national pandemic emergency over. That would automatically remove HHS’ special powers, defund the CDC, and neuter the FDA by removing its Emergency Use Authority. Game over. Such an executive order could defund and stop Operation Warp Speed in its tracks. Then a new executive order could be written to completely end the pandemic: Make the FDA-approved hydroxychloroquine over the counter and available to all Americans. President Trump can further lift the veil on vaccine manufacturing secrecy by creating a Vaccine Safety Commission. Such moves would be game, set, match for the COVID pandemic hoax.

What’s Next?

What will the masters of the NWO do then? The Deep State and Shadow Government will stop at nothing. We are at a crossroads for humanity. It’s either us-or them. This one is for all the marbles and this story is not yet over. We have an awesome responsibility to expose the lies and crimes and to reveal the truth. Freedom? It’s up to us. This is John Michael Chambers. Thank you for viewing this special report be sure to share it far and wide. And remember, stay the course, trust the plan,  heed the call for WWG1WGA. God Bless.

Buckle down. Pray. Stay safe. Stay the course and trust the plan. Freedom? It’s up to us!


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