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World Peace Or World In Pieces

World Peace? Or World in Pieces

For anyone who is half awake there is no question that it’s the end of the world as we once knew it. Instead of world peace we now have a perpetual declining state of existence and rather a world in pieces. How and why? The men and women behind the curtain.


One form of the Hegelian Dialectic of which almost all major events in history are the result of can be simply described as; “Problem” – create and unleash a crisis (or take advantage of one already happening) in order to get the desired “Reaction” of public outcry whereby the public demands a “Solution” which as been predetermined from the beginning, thus Problem-Reaction-Solution. Once you get this, all things begin to fall into place. We must come to understand the Hegelian Dialectic and once you do, you will see many of the events unfolding in a very different light and then there is no turning back. You are then well on your way to either caving in and succumbing or gaining strength and confidence and seeking ways to spread the word and improve conditions. The tragic events of September 11, 2001 is one example to illustrate the point of the successful application of the Hegelian Dialectic, problem-reaction-solution.

Divide and Conquer

Most information disseminated by the media machine and all its accomplices such as Hollywood for example, is nothing more than predictive programming and is false and misleading. This leads of course to division amongst the people, which plays right into their hands, divide and conquer. With the divide and conquer strategy we have the man behind the curtain winning as he gets his perceived opponents to fight amongst themselves. This is a way of keeping those in a position of power in power by making the people disagree with each other so that they are unable to join together and remove those from their position of power. The people simply regurgitate the spoon-fed talking points from the news like a well-programmed robot. And since they run the media machine, the education system and much more, you can see how powerful and how effective they are. Thus, a divisive world in chaos and crisis.

We must avoid falling for the Hegelian Dialectic and become skillful at recognizing when it is employed. This becomes as easy as breathing once you really see it and get it. Anytime a major problem or issue arises in society think about who will gain or profit from it. Turn off the mainstream news or at least completely disregard what the machine is saying so that you can remove yourself from the situation and take a step back to look at it from a third party perspective. See the so-called “problem”, look at who is reacting, why and in what way. Then look for who is offering up the solution. I listed some examples of this in another blog titled “Was this a False Flag Op” as well as “False Flags a Conspiracy Theorists Fantasy”.

I will continue to blog about this on my blog site as new applications of the Hegelian Dialectic are unleashed as well as site several historical examples to illustrate this point.

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